Railways Illustrated

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We invite contributions to Railways Illustrated. These may be articles or photographs (ideally high resolution digital images, colour slides or prints). Those accepted and published will be paid for at our standard rates. If you submit material that you want returned, you must enclose a stamped, addressed envelope.

Please ensure that all submitted material has the contributor’s name and address attached, and that it shows full subject details, including date. Digital images sent by email should be in jpg format with a maximum file size of 10Mb. Details of illustrations sent in digital format should be sent in an accompanying text file. The text file must also include the photographer's full postal address and telephone number and an assertion of ownership of copyright of the image(s) supplied. We cannot use submitted images if you do not own the copyright.

We will take every care of submitted material, but neither the editor, editorial staff nor publishers take any responsibility for loss or damage.

Any contribution is accepted on the basis that its author is responsible for opinions and comments expressed and that such opinions are not necessarily those of the Editor or Ian Allan Publishing Ltd.

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